
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Kropp, Paul.

Toronto, Collier Macmillan, 1987. 87pp. paper, $5.50. ISBN 02-953500-X. (Series 2000). CIP


Kropp, Paul.

Toronto, Collier Macmillan, 1987. 90pp. paper, $5.50. ISBN 02-953501-8. (Series 2000). CIP

Grades 4 to 8
Reviewed by Nancy E. Black

Volume 16 Number 5
1988 September

These "Series 2000" titles are, as always with this hi-lo series, fast paced in action and dialogue. Not Only Me and Under Cover present appealing situations with which readers will identify.

Not Only Me effectively deals with the subject of incest. After keeping "the secret" for five years, Lynn discovers that she hasn't really escaped the problem, especially when her younger sister Chrissie finally admits that she has also been sexually abused. Without being condescending in tone, the author moves the characters through the steps and the procedures of dealing with abuse, clearly indicating the agencies that take action against this serious problem. The strength of this volume is its calm tone. Because Kropp does not sensationalize the theme, the message comes through loud and clear: If this has happened to you. you're not the only one.

When Kevin's best friend Matt dies as a result of a drug overdose in Under Cover, a detective asks Kevin to go undercover at Halt's high school to track down the top dealer. In his new role, Kevin Joins the right crowd and quickly makes all the necessary connections leading to the Candyman, and Kevin manages. In the end. to help the police and save his new girl-friend. Again, the author tackles this theme without a patronizing, moralizing tone-the information comes out very smoothly in action and dialogue.

Both titles include dedications to the adolescents who helped the author. This kind of contribution lends accuracy and credibility to the titles. Recommended for your paperback racks.

Nancy E. Black, Saskatoon Public Library, Saskatoon, Sask.
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