Kalman, Bobbie.
Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, 1987. 32pp, cloth, ISBN 0-86505-101-1 (paper) $6.95. 0-86505-079-1 (cloth) $12.76. (The In My World series). CIP
Kalman, Bobbie.
Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, 1987. 32pp, cloth, $12.76. ISBN 0-86505-075-9. (The In My World series). CIP
Volume 16 Number 5
Each of these books devotes one double-page spread to each topic-explanation on one side, large illustration on the other side—with a question section that can only be answered by looking at the pictures. People and Places is about the world's people in communities—In the city, the village, on the sheep farm (Australia), at the seaside home, on a southern island, in a mountain town (Peru)—and about some seasons and festivals such as a northern winter (Scandinavia), a dry season (Africa), midsummer (Sweden), a Greek wedding, and a visit to Buckingham Palace and other famous structures, e.g., the Statue of Liberty, Leaning Tower of Pisa, TaJ Mahal, Pyramids, CN Tower, Big Ben, and the Sydney Opera House. Life through the Ages starts with cave life and goes on to earl/ farming, the Bronze Age, the Mayas, Greek theatre, the Middle Ages, early merchants, early settlers, and a comparison of life-styles then and now, finishing with a make-believe time machine. The writers and researchers have done a lot of careful work on these handsome books. They would be best used with three or four students at a time, or one book to a child, so that the pictures could be studied and the questions answered. Geri Young, Fort Nelson, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works