Kallmann, Helmut.
Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1987. 317pp. paper, $16.95. ISBN 0-8020-6102-8.
Volume 16 Number 6
Kallmann is a distinguished music historian who has served as music librarian of the CBC and chief of the music division at the National Library. This work, like its predecessor, describes the development of music during various stages of Canadian history but docs not include Indian and Inuit music. Material is arranged into thirteen chronological chapters beginning with music in New France and ending with music during World War I. Kallmann does not base his history on musical structure or on comparisons of different composers. He is not concerned with the artistic and technical aspects of music; his interest is in the social implications of music and the impact music has had on the lives of Canadians. Kallmann's research is meticulous and he includes footnotes as well as a selected bibliography that corresponds to each of the chapters. There is an appendix of books published in Canada before 1850 that contain music, an index, and a section that contains amendments to this particular edition. Here, the author admits that he has not done an extensive revision of the earlier work (University of Toronto, 1960). If your library has the earlier edition this volume will be somewhat redundant; however, if the earlier edition is not available in your library, this volume will be helpful.
Bessie Egan, Winnipeg Public Library, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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