
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Ahearn, Catherine.

Perth (Ont.), Anthos Books, 1987. 79pp, paper, $7.95, ISBN 0-920798-04-7. (Apple Poet series 1). Distributed by Anthos Books, Box 666. Perth, Ont. K7H 3K5

Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham

Volume 16 Number 6
1988 November

I am not from your world;
you are not from mine.
but together we can build
a New World that binds—
the world of us.

Inspired by and based on a real nineteenth-century love story of a sixteen-year-old Spanish girl from San Francisco and a forty-two-year-old Russian chamberlain, the fifty-five poems in this slim volume deal with undying love that bridges the gaps of age, race, nationality, politics and religion.

The tale of Concha and Rezanov reaches mythic proportions as the poet moves from the original story to contemporary couples who suffer the same tragic fate. The poetry is full of sensuality, mysticism and complex metaphor, stretching emotion, mind and soul. Combining a variety of poetic forms, the author blends theme, myth and the senses to encompass the gamut of experience from union, separation and loss to union in another world.

This poetry is demanding: it requires concentration, thought and several re-readings to appreciate fully the poet's creative talents. Although love, especially tragic love, is appealing to the young adult, this collection would prove too challenging for the average reader. The more sophisticated poetry lover will find it a gold mine.

Barbara J. Graham, Board of Education for the City of London, London, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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