
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Risidore, Lyn.

Burlington (Ont.), Chadwick Macdonald Publications, 1987. 201pp. paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-9692985-0-1. Distributed by Chadwick Macdonald Publications, 3529 Walmer Road. Burlington. Ont. L7N 1C9.

Grades 5 and up
Reviewed by Marilyn Aldworth

Volume 16 Number 6
1988 November

A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis does not necessarily mean that one will eventually end up physically debilitated and confined to a wheelchair. Lyn Risidore gives a personal, realistic account of what it is like to live with a mild case of MS. This is a simply written yet very informative guide directed at the public and would be especially valuable to newly diagnosed MS cases and their families.

It is a highly positive book that includes personal interviews with eight other people with MS who are leading productive and fulfilling lives. One of the eight is Richard Beecroft, who toured the world by bicycle to raise awareness of MS. Risidore's neurologist, Dr. Robert Duke, has also contributed a helpful chapter entitled "How to Make the Best Use of Your Doctors." Risidore’s two daughters and her husband have given us another personal glimpse of MS by writing about their feelings.

Overall, this is a book that provides encouragement, support and an ever present attitude of optimism for MS sufferers and their families. It provides a much needed contrast to what most of us have heard or read on the subject.

Recommended for all school and public libraries. For schools involved in the MS Read-A-Thon program, this book should be a must so that students and teachers can learn more about the disease they are fighting.

Marilyn Aldworth, North Vancouver School District, North Vancouver, B.C.
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