Clarke, Heather and Susan Gwynne-Timothy.
Toronto. James Lorimer, 1988. 165pp, paper, ISBN 1-55028-037-6 (cloth) $24.95, 1-55028-035-X (paper) $14.95. CIP
Volume 16 Number 6
Stroke is a very personal account of the women on the Canadian women's rowing team, of their coaches, trials, successes and failures. Written by two members of the team, the book is a combination of interviews and personal observations about women's rowing in Canada. The interviews read like transcripts from television interviews, without the questions. The most interesting parts of the book relate to the actual race preparations and the descriptions of the races. The book is illustrated with black-and-white photographs and is attractively laid out. There is no index. Unfortunately, grammatical errors, awkward, convoluted sentence structure and incomplete sentences slow the pace of the book. This valiant but uneven attempt to introduce the Canadian public to the world of Olympic rowing will probably appeal only to those already interested in the sport or to those who, after watching the Olympics, are intrigued by the sport. Donna J. Adrian, Laurenval School Board, Rosemere, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works