Ontario Black History Society/ Brymnor Entertainment, 1986. Videostrip. $175.00. (1. Slavery in Upper Canada. 2. The Underground Railroad. 3. Emancipation and the Role of the Church. 4. Early Settlement and Community Life. 5. Education and the Emergence of Community Leaders. 6. The 1920's & 1930's--Social and Economic Changes. 7. The War Years. 8. Fusion--Today's Community). Includes teacher's guide. Distributed by School Services.
Volume 16 Number 6
This filmstrip-video documents the arrival, settlement and achievement of Blacks in Ontario from 1780 to the early 1980s. It stresses the political and economic causes of Black immigration to Canada. It demonstrates how Blacks experienced prejudice and discrimination and outlines the struggle by both Blacks and whites for anti-slavery and equal opportunity legislation. For the best educational benefit the video should be viewed in filmstrip segments. The manual offers teaching strategies and questions to help students clarify and interpret the information provided. Although the quality of the visuals is weak in places, the information imparted will certainly heighten student awareness of Black history in Ontario. The manual also contains the complete script of the narration, an extensive bibliography and project suggestions. Recommended.
From the Evaluation Committee of the Board of Education for the City of North York. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works