By the editors of Canadian Business.
Toronto, Summerhill Press, 1988. 207pp. cloth. $29.95, ISBN 0-920197-61-2. Distributed by University of Toronto Press. CIP
Volume 17 Number 1
In 1928 the Canadian Chamber of Commerce launched a monthly business magazine called The Commerce of the Nation (now Canadian Business). For its sixtieth anniversary, the September 1988 issue was produced as a tribute to the growth of the Canadian economy. Now this issue, sans paid advertisements and with twice as many pictures, is being offered as a hard-cover book. Essentially a full-colour collection of superb photos of newsmakers in business, the book is thin on analysis. The section on the brewing industry, for example, does not mention the coming changes as provincial border restrictions are lifted and breweries shut down in smaller provinces. Problems of land rights, American subsidy flights, and cheap foreign competition are glossed over in the forestry section. The service sector, where virtually all of the 1.2 million net new jobs since 1981 have occurred, is virtually ignored by this book. Perhaps most surprising of all, the free-trade deal appears only in the final two pages, where it is endorsed. As their model of a Canadian who built his way to success and would thrive under free trade the editors chose Roy Thompson. The Thompson Empire certainly has been a financial success, but the chain is best known for shutting down independents, laying off staff and using wire stories to fill out the advertising sections. Libraries looking for a history of business in Canada would be better off with Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business by Michael Bliss. The price alone of Guts, Greed and Glory makes it not suitable for acquisition in most collections. David Chadwick, Winnipeg, Man. |
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