Taylor, Ruth.
Dorion (Quebec), The Muses' Co./La Compagnie des Muses 1988. 106pp. paper, $10.00, ISBN 0919754-22-8. Distributed by The Muses' Co./La Compagnie des Muses, 51 rue de 1'Eglise, Dorion. Que. J7V 1W5. CIP
Volume 17 Number 1
Ruth Taylor, a young and budding poet, is currently completing a creative writing M.A. at Concordia University. For all her promise, her first complete book of poems. The Drawing Board, has perhaps missed the mark and well deserves its name. The poems and meditations of the book look at love and its problems, the joyous sharing and soul touching, the pain of disharmony and unrequited love. The captivating vignette, the neat turn of phrase, the image-invoking diction—these are surely Taylor's forte. Some lines have such beauty, they touch the heart's core; others seem to lack both message and melody. I read again, realizing I have missed some essence that surely must be there—but no—an empty passing; not a jot has reached the brain. Re-read. Whoops, where am I? Shall I try again? I've missed it! Something does not connect! Lines of one poem could be interchanged with those of another; little difference would it make. Perhaps the reader deserves differentiation, a clarity instead of a mystery. As well, obscure literary references will appeal only to a small and specific readership. This promising young writer should return to the drawing board. Expect fresh new imagery in lighter, clearer, more specific packaging. The literati, however, may read and enjoy.
Grace Shaw, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works