David Booth, Larry Swartz and Meguido Zola.
Volume 17 Number 3
Booth, Swartz and Zola, all educators and all passionate lovers of children's literature, created this guide to help adults find suitable books for children to read on their own, to recommend titles to be read aloud to children of all ages, and to share their own delight in them. Chapter 1, "Preschool Children," covers types of books, such as board and concept books; common themes, such as friendship; read-alouds; and traditional tales. Chapter 2, 'The Primary Years," explores types, such as picture-books, concept books and beginning readers; themes, such as friends and family; read-alouds; traditional tales; poetry; classics; and information and participation books, among others. Chapter 3, 'The Middle Years," looks at types, such as easy-read fiction; themes, such as relationships; genres, such as fantasy and mysteries; information, sports, and humorous books; read-alouds; traditional tales; and poetry. Chapter 4, 'The Young Adolescent Years," begins with some suggestions for reluctant and remedial readers; goes on to themes, such as relationships; genres, such as SF; information books; myths; legends; poetry; and, in keeping with the author's desire to have parents continue reading to their teens, read-alouds. While the authors' enthusiasm shines through, their annotations do vary somewhat in terms of quality. Not all the titles are in print, although most are widely available. l would have liked to have seen more Canadian content, but have nonetheless no hesitation in recommending that this title take its place beside Michele Landsberg's "Guide to Children's Books" and Jim Trelease's the Read-aloud Handbook (Penguin, 1985).Adèle Ashby, Toronto, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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