Lois Walker.
Volume 17 Number 4
This is a revised edition of Lois Walker's Crafts for Kids the Puppcorn Way ¹. This book will be greeted with enthusiasm by children and adults alike for its nifty ideas and ingenious recipes. The headings in the table of contents are "Helpful Hints," "Thanksgiving Cards," "Halloween Crafts," "Christmas Crafts," "Easter Crafts," "Mother's and Father's Day Crafts," and "Special Craft Recipes." Under each heading are two or more ideas illustrated with line drawings and clearly explained in print large enough to encourage children in grade 3 to attempt the projects themselves. Down-to-earth recipes for play dough or papier maché are included, but novel ideas such as a fascinating way to weave a belt or headband using (of all things!) drinking straws for a loom are also included. Imogene Forte's two craft books, Crayons & Markers ² and Box Crafts ², with perhaps twice as many ideas are a better buy if one has to choose. However, teachers and parents can hardly have too many of this type of book, and Crafts for Kids is recommended if money is not a consideration.Joan M. Payzant, Dartmouth, NS.
¹ Reviewed vol. XII/2 March 1984, p.71.
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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