Victor Suthren
Toronto, Hodder & Stoughton, 1989. 192pp, cloth, $25.95, ISBN 0-340-40301-2
Volume 17 Number 4
Oh, no! A swashbuckling sea romance about the Spanish Main! Is someone still writing these stories? I really didn't want to read this book. However, The Golden Galleon is well written and has lots of action, danger and good characterization. The cool, handsome, intrepid hero is a young American, who wins the approval of the British naval authorities in 1741 and is sent to the "Caribbees" to capture Spanish gold. He is supported by a crew of interesting characters, and a beautiful, strong young woman is his prize. The foil is a diabolical Frenchman, who is captain of a crew of cruel Spaniards. A good read for aficionados of this genre. The author's other books are The Black Cockade, A King's Ransom, In Perilous Seas (Collins, 1983) and Royal Yankee (Hodder & Sloughton, 1987). Gerri Young, Fort Nelson, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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