Ottawa, C-MOR Educational Adventures Inc., 1988. 2-6 players, ages 8 to adult. $35.00
Volume 17 Number 4
The object of this board game is to be the first to arrive in Winisk following a route through the province of Ontario. Players proceed by rolling a die and correctly answering questions posed by cards selected along the way. Tin questions test players' knowledge of people and places within Ontario. When players land on a spot designating a community, they receive information about that place. A letter-number coordinate system is used to refer to locations on the map playing board. As an activity to develop map skills, this game has serious limitations. The map, which is diagrammatic and uses pictures instead of symbols, is placed on the board at an angle, although the grid System is oriented along the straight edge of the board. Students will not learn that grid systems, such as latitude and longitude, use cardinal directions for their orientation. The questions in me game ask students to recall previously learned facts (How high is the world's highest lift lock in Peterborough?), while the community information cards deal mostly with trivia. Younger players will quickly become frustrated and older ones bored with the action in the game. This game is recommended only for those who are anticipating a surplus in this year's budget. Graham A. Draper, Langstaff Secondary School. Richmond Hill, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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