Edited by Colin Morton.
Volume 17 Number 6
Capital Poets: An Ottawa Anthology presents the poetic works of a diverse group of ten Ottawa poets. Editor Colin Morton says "the poets have moved to the capital from other parts of the country while others have developed here ...". Morton has also coedited another anthology of writing Harbinger (Southern Alberta Writers' Group, 1973), from southern Alberta. Capital Poets demonstrates just how dynamic and promising is the present and future of the ten poets whose work is included. Many of the poetic pieces deal with death in a manner reminiscent of the pre-Shakespearean conceit. Colin Morton, in "How to be Born Again," writes, "Let's be born in a spaceship near the speed of light and never die." John Newlove's testament to life invokes the finality in death when he writes, "It's better to celebrate your funeral before you die." Capital Poets is a must-read for any lover of poetry bent on keeping abreast of contemporary developments.Floyd Spracklin, G.C. Rowe Janior High, Corner Brook, NF. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works