Deborah Seed and Margaret Griffin. Illustrated by Linda Hendry. THE AMAZING PAPER BOOK>
Paulette Bourgeois. Illustrated by Linda Hendry.
Volume 18 Number 1
These books are indeed amazing! Full of facts and activities developed around the topic, they are must purchases for those kids who are full of questions or for those who have research to do for school projects . . . which, of course, includes all children. While geared to ages seven to twelve by the publisher, they will interest all ages - even the parents and grandparents recruited to help. The egg book gives myths about eggs, superstitions about eggs, recipes using eggs, and magic tricks involving eggs. Instructions for decorating Ukrainian eggs, games with eggs and egg cartons, the whys of eggs as well as the hows - all are included. Even a tour of the inside of an egg as well as of an egg farm is covered. Egg art and a glossary conclude this smorgasborg of information. In the paper book, you can learn how to make paper, how to recycle paper, how the Egyptians made papyrus and the Europeans vellum and parchment, how to make ink and how to make pop-up cards. You can learn about papermakers in nature, the Japanese art of origami and forest facts. You can tour a paper mill, plan a paper party or send secret messages. The book concludes with a useful glossary and has an index. Children will love these books because they have so many things to learn and do. Parents will love them because they present so many suggestions of things to "do." Teachers will love them because they contain so many exciting ideas for projects and for research.Highly recommended. Maureen Pammett, Bridgenorth, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works