Gordon Penrose
Toronto, Greey de Pencier Books, 1989. 32pp, paper, $8.95
Volume 18 Number 1
Looking for inexpensive, intriguing, "hands-on" experiments children can organize without adult interference? Looking for activities that will amaze friends and relations? Dr Zed's Science Surprises is just such a book of science activities for children. It is a colourful, slim volume guaranteed to encourage, not intimidate, the young scientist. Each double-page spread deals with one topic, e.g. static electricity, how to grow bouncible eggs, fingerprints, refraction, and body tricks, with fool proof instructions and full-colour illustrations or photographs. To quote from the book, "There are no "wrong" outcomes to the activities - every finding is valid and bound to stimulate lots of questions." In particular, I like the lack of pedantic explanations. The child feels free to learn by playing. However, for the child and parent who feel more secure with answers and discussion of concepts, there are brief notes at the back of the book. Dr Zed's Science Surprises would be a neat addition to any classroom activity centre or a pleasant gift for any curious child. Recommended. Eve Williams, MacNaughton High School, Moncton, N.B. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works