
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Norah McClintock

Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1989. 156pp, paper, $9.95
ISBN 0-7710-5446-7. CIP

Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
Reviewed by Pauline Henaut.

Volume 18 Number 1
1990 January

The author of Shakespeare and Legs (Scholastic-TAB, 1987) has written a story with the themes of racial preju­dice, ethnic diversity and tolerance. Orlando Verdad is a new black student attending a predominantly WASP high school in St. Jacques, Quebec, in 1965. Cally, a shy sixteen-year-old, befriends Orlando and in so doing comes into conflict with her two best friends, Carolyn and Luce, and with her wider circle of friends.

Young people will enjoy this story. The pace is enhanced by the shifting of the point of view among the three female characters and by the rising tension. The characters are believable. The conversation is realistic; however, librarians and teachers should be aware that it does contain coarse language that some will find offensive.

This is a large-format paperback with good print and an attractive cover. The author has handled a difficult topic with a balanced approach. Recommended, subject to the above reservation.

Pauline Henaut, New Glasgow Schools, New Glasgow, N.S.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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