Pamela Wolfe
Toronto, The Women's Press, 1989. 24pp, paper, $4.95
Volume 18 Number 2
This hilarious, imaginative picture-book is Pamela Wolfe's first published children's book. She turns the rather mundane task of hanging out the laundry into an exhilarating roller-coaster ride for Tamara, her grandfather and their friends. The story has definite appeal for young children and they will delight in joining Tamara as she reaches into the laundry basket and pulls out a sheet, then a skipping rope, two socks, a fork, and a toothbrush and hands them to her giggling grandfather, who pins them to the clothesline. An amazed Tamara keeps pulling out bigger and wilder items... a watermelon, a baseball glove, a bicycle, a cow and much more. A first-time illustrator for a children's book, Karen Lucas Bouma successfully uses a combination of brightly coloured and black-and-white comic illustrations that complement and enhance the imaginative story of the text. Children will laugh uproariously when they see how the illustrator portrays grandfather and the children in a caricature-like manner riding a beautiful blue-and-silver roller coaster towing a clothesline filled with all the wonderful items found in the basket. This book is an excellent choice for a primary classroom and a wonderful edition to any children's library. Gwen Maguire, St. John’s, Nfld. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works