Maureen Stewart
Toronto, Stoddart Publishing, 1989. 32pp, cloth, $14.95
Volume 18 Number 3
The mystery of creation has fascinated peoples since time began. Different races have attempted to solve this mystery by inventing their own stories of creation, and each story reflects the beliefs of that people. Creation Stories is a collection of fourteen stories about the beginning of the world as retold by Maureen Stewart. The tales are representative of numerous races: from the Cherokee tribe of the North American Indians to the Vikings, from China, India, and ancient Greece to Africa, from the Aborigines, the Jews, and the Aztecs to the Maoris. Each story is a single page in length accompanied by a full-page illustration. Some of the tales might appear confusing and others, violent to the young reader. Creation Stories would have greater appeal to young readers if it were used as part of a cultural study or in connection with myths and legends rather than as an isolated work. In this way specific references to representative ideas such as the egg and the serpent would become meaningful to the young reader. The artwork in this book is bold, colourful and thought provoking. It clearly reflects the talent of the popular illustrator Graeme Base, who also illustrated Animalia (Harry N. Abrams, 1986) and The Eleventh Hour {Stoddart, 1989). The full-page illustrations greatly enhance the text. Janice Foster, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works