Douglas Roche
Toronto, NC Press, 1989. 160pp, paper, $14.95
Volume 18 Number 3
For anyone involved in international peace and development, the name Douglas Roche is well known and respected. Formerly Canada's Ambassador for Disarmament and a former chairman of the UN's Political and Security Committee, Roche has written half a dozen books on international peace and development. His purpose in this book is to set the stage and develop a plan of action for the 1990s with regards to international peace, development and disarmament. Beginning with two different possible scenarios for the world twenty years from now, Roche discusses the arms race (and its effects), how each of the major countries of the world is involved, and how these problems are being tackled and by whom. Roche is not providing a history of war and peace or of the arms race but rather pointing out in a somewhat idealistic and general fashion what needs to be done to make the world a safer and more equitable place. One of the most interesting and practical parts is the last chapter, in which he lists forty-five things you and I can do for world peace. While most of this book is aimed at high school students and adults, this last chapter will provide useful ideas for class projects and activities from the upper elementary grades through to high school. Roche believes that, with Mikhail Gorbachev ending the Cold War before our own eyes, we have a unique opportunity to build a new base for world peace. That base will depend on individuals truly caring for their fellow human beings wherever they live in the world. This book will be useful for student projects on world peace and for adults who are concerned about our future. Includes bibliography and index. Charles Ottosen, Airdrie Public Library, Airdrie, Alta. |
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