Philomena Hauck
Calgary, Detselig Enterprises, 1989. 80pp, paper, $13.95
Volume 18 Number 3
This small book from a series entitled "Following Historic Trails" is concerned with six reasonably well known explorers. The common thread and focus among the explorers is the search for and exploration of the Mississippi River. The writing and approach are basic narrative, which is not technical. The accounts are straightforward and easily understood. Each explorer and his accomplishments are covered in about ten pages. Within this work can be found a smattering of black-and-white pictures from various archives. Maps, which are important in this kind of book, are done in black and white and are very difficult to decipher. A small glossary and limited bibliography are also included. Students interested in these particular explorers would probably be better advised to seek out individual biographies. In spite of these minor flaws I found the book a reasonable overview and young adults would find it a good starting point for further investigation. Iyvan Michalchyshyn, Gordon Bell High School, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works