David Booth and Elma Schemenauer
Toronto, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press, 1989. 152pp, paper, $8.95
David Booth and Elma Schemenauer
Toronto, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press, 1989. 22pp, paper, $1350
David Booth and Elma Schemenauer
Toronto, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press, 1989. 151pp, paper, $8.95
David Booth and Elma Schemenauer
Toronto, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press, 1989. 24pp, paper, $13.50
Volume 18 Number 3
The Writing Programme is "an integrated writing-based language arts programme. There are nine sequential student books. These are aimed at approximately the grades 1-9 levels." The purpose of The Writing Programme is "to present children with a variety of modes, functions and patterns for writing." The purpose of The Writing Programme is clearly met by the inclusion of the following units: "Sharing Experiences," "Patterning Stories," "Giving Information," "Writing Poetry," "Stating Opinions," "Playing ' with Words," "Creating Stories," "Inventing Dialogue," "Giving Directions" and "Building Stories." Each unit is organized into two or more "lessons," and the model stories, complete with wonderful illustrations, serve not only to promote writing but also to encourage reading. Lesson models include "Lullabies" from Once: A Lullaby by b.p. Nichol, "Whose Hat" from Whose Hat by Margaret Miller (Greenwillow Books, 1988), "Rhyming Words" from Morning, Rabbit, Morning by Mary Becker Caldwell (Harper & Row Junior Books, 1982) and "Alphabet Stories" from ABC Cat by Nancy Jewell (Harper & Row Junior Books, 1983). Each story is followed by a four-part writing workshop, which leads the child to 1) think about what he/she has read, 2) think about what he/she will write, 3) start writing, and 4) share and edit. The teacher's guides include a fifth component, "More Fun with Language," to extend a pupil's writing. The guides also include suggestions for each chapter, including instructional objections, suggested materials, creating the context, and the writing workshop. They are very thorough and easy to follow. Provincial and board-based curriculum developers should evaluate this series for classroom use in grades 1 and 2. Teachers will find these texts excellent examples of the "writing process" philosophy. Librarians should purchase both student books and teacher's guides for reference material. Clare A. Darby, Three Oaks Senior High School, Summerside, P.E.I. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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