Ottawa, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 1990. 4 issues during the school year. Available free of charge through individual subscription from CIDA, Youth Editions, P.O. Box 1310, Postal Station B, Hull, Que. J8X 9Z9.
Reviewed by Patricia Cooper
Volume 18 Number 5
Full of variety, this attractive and fun magazine series is bound to appeal while still being informative and educational. There are cartoons, games, comic strips and articles that focus on individual young people from developing countries. It fulfils the magazine's objective of familiarizing Canadian children with the daily life of children in Third World countries, emphasizing the basic similarities between all children. Published by CIDA, which has been working in Third World countries since 1968, it is the only children's magazine that focuses on this subject. It lends itself for use by Francophone and Anglophone students and in French Immersion programs to develop language skills in conjunction with the social sciences curriculum. Other magazine series by CIDA target younger and older children. The four issues per school year each deal with a different aspect of a general theme. Each educator's issue is accompanied by a bulletin suggesting imaginative and educational follow-up activities. The French and English versions (tumbled format) are identical. Both are well written in colloquial style, although two minor English mistakes in one article slipped by the editors. Printed on high-quality glossy paper. The layout and design make excellent use of colour photographs, drawings and easy-to-read type. Recommended.
Patricia Cooper, Brampton Public Library, Brampton, Ont.
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