CTV Television Network, 1989. 47.5 minutes, VHS, $195.00.
rental $65.00 (3 - 5 day period).
Volume 19 Number 1
Hosted by CTV's Jack McCaw and three well-known young Canadians, this is a carefully conceived and skilfully produced educational program. It is aimed at senior high school students and their parents. Pre-teens would likely be bored by the technical information and demand to consider societal issues. A twenty-question quiz probing both knowledge and life-style serves as a unifying technique and facilitates personal involvement. It also provides natural breaks in the flow of scientific information, dialogue and dramatization of tragic case histories. The central theme that Canada has become soft on drugs of all types is clear but overt preaching has been avoided. The message is simple. We must each make our own decisions. Unpleasant pictures of drug dependency cannot be avoided but the case does not rest on visual shock. My son of seventeen years watched the video with me and agreed that it is very informative without being pedantic. It certainly has the potential for being a powerful part of a drug awareness program. I would recommend it highly for all senior high school collections and for any other youth organization planning educational programs. However, since the most effective education comes from within the family, the most important purchasers might be local public libraries where it can be borrowed by concerned parents.
Howard Hurt, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works