Montreal, Services Documentaires Multimedia, 1989. 186pp, paper, $20.00, ISBN 2-89059-096-8.
Montreal, Services Documentaires Multimedia, 1989. 248pp, paper, $20.00, ISBN 2-89059-090-9
Montreal, Services Documentaires Multimedia, 1988. 246pp, paper, $20.00, ISBN 2-89059-079-8
Montreal, Services Documentaires Multimedia, 1989. 199pp, paper, $14.00, ISBN 2-89059-084-4.
Volume 19 Number 1
Les Guides Tessier represent a selection of approximately 5,000 titles drawn from the over 38,000 records in the David database, the only source of systematic indexing of Canadian- and foreign-produced French-language audiovisual materials, regardless of medium. The David records are available in various formats, including those under review. Les Guides Tessier cover film video, audio, and small wares available in French in Canada for children up to the age of twelve. Each guide includes explanatory information, an introduction, a list of sources (name, address, phone, and type of product), and the main section of entries arranged by Dewey, followed by five indexes - names (of authors and producers), titles, subjects, series, and distributors. Each entry provides complete cataloguing information according to the French version of AACR2. Subjects are drawn from Services Documentaires Multimedia's (SDM) list of subject headings, which is based on Laval but modified for a younger audience, and the DDC, 20th edition. As with all SDM products, these volumes are authoritative, well organized, and comparatively inexpensive. Those who require more current information might consider subscribing to David online. Adele Ashby, Toronto, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers
Young Canada Works