
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Toronto, Greey de Pencier, 1990. 48pp, paper, $7.95
ISBN 0-920775-54-3. CIP

Grades 2 and up/Ages 7 and up
Reviewed by Joan Payzant.

Volume 19 Number 2
1991 March

Greey de Pencier Books publishes books from OWL and is associated with the Young Naturalist Foundation. This book printed on recycled paper focuses on a variety of games, indoor and outdoor, suitable for each of the four seasons. First in this "Green World" series was The Puzzlers Book, and, like it, The Games Book encourages the use of recycled materials in its games to provide children with fun and entertain�ment.

An index lists games with tantalizing names - Bear Boggier, Silly Centipede, Snorkel Hunt, Tin Can Shuffle, UFO. Cartoonlike drawings by Thach Bui illustrate each game, and a border on every page identifies the season to which it is most suited. The cover is brightly coloured and is decorated with illustrations of children enjoying outdoor activities.

Reluctant readers will be encouraged by the page format to read the simple directions in order to participate in the fun. Parents, teachers and leaders of children's groups will find this an extremely useful reference for those what-can-we-do-now days.

Joan Payzant, Dartmouth, N.S.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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