Emily Hearn and Mark Thurman
Markham (Ont.), Pembroke Press, 1990. 64pp, paper, $9.95
Volume 19 Number 2
This addition to the "Storyboarding" series can be used independently or as a companion to Draw & Write Your Own Picture Book. The authors claim that storyboarding "works at its richest with children nurtured on storytelling and process writing." They outline eight stages including reading picture-books as stimulus, story collaboration, storyboarding, book mock-up, adding colour, writing the story, adding finishing touches, binding, and sharing. Illustration ideas are provided, with a brief discussion of perspective - horizontal, bird's eye, ant's eye, close-up and foreground. For students who don't feel comfortable drawing, the authors discuss the use of collage. A bibliography of recommended picture-books is appended as is a copy of a storyboard. Although this is a brief book it provides a very practical approach to developing a writing project, from rough draft to bound volume. Pearl Herscovitch, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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