Cheryl Foggo
Calgary, Detselig Enterprises, 1990. 119pp, paper, $12.95
Volume 19 Number 2
Cheryl Foggo has written a combined history of her family and memoir of what it was like to grow up as a black child in the predominantly white society of Calgary during the 1960s and 1970s. This book would make a valuable addition to junior and senior high school library collections of multicultural material. It may be of special interest to young black Canadians who find little written about the experiences of people like themselves - Cheryl Foggo is not an immigrant but a fourth-generation Canadian who just happens to be black. The author mentions receiving much information from her great-aunt, who had written 400 pages of family history. Sadly, it appears that either Foggo found much of the information unsuitable for inclusion or chose not to use it, as the book is a meagre 118 pages (including some excellent family photographs). The book also seems somewhat choppy in style. It jumps back and forth between the author's own life and that of her ancestors, and even the latter is not in chronological order. Recommended. Irene Gordon, Westdale Junior High School, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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