
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Carrol Potter

Illustrated by Elaine M. (Potter) Wood
Middleton (N.S.), Carrol Potter, 1990. 20pp, paper, $9.75
ISBN 0-96-94-932-0-7. Distributed by Mr. Carrol Potter, R.R. #1 Middleton, Nova Scotia B0S 1P0. CIP

Kindergarten to Grade 3/Ages 5 to 8
Reviewed by Janice Foster.

Volume 19 Number 3
1991 May

In this picture-book the author relates the story, set in Nova Scotia, of a weasel's battle over food with a local farmer. In the end, Ronny manages to escape from the farmer's trap and resolves never again to enter the barn, despite his hunger.

The simple story-line seems to be more of a vehicle to focus on the illustrator's work than a story that would appeal to a young audience. The book begins with a perforated page with a water-colour portrait of Ronny Weasel on one side and the book's title and a listing of the book as part of a numbered series in a limited first edition on the other. It appears that from this point on the text is secondary to the pictures in telling the story.

Whereas there are some good water-colours in the book, such as the weasel standing in the snow, many of the scenes depicted lack detail, some of which is definitely mentioned in the text. The muted earth-tone colours found in most pictures will not likely appeal to young readers. The flimsy, stapled cover lacks durability.

Perhaps this book could be used by older students studying the medium of water-colour, but as a picture-book, neither the story nor the illustrations will hold much interest for small children.

Janice Foster, Winnipeg, Man.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works