Alexandra Morton
Reviewed by Fred Leicester.
Volume 20 Number 2
Siwiti tells the story of an orca from birth through the first year of its life. The author, who lives on the west coast of British Columbia, has been extensively involved in research on the lives and behaviours of the fascinating marine animals popularly known as killer whales. The factual basis of the story is therefore first-hand observation, and the colour photographs are originals, depicting orcas both above and below water. The book is strongly bound and should stand up well to a lot of use by the intended audience of elementary students. Yet, despite the author's credentials, the factual authenticity, the colour photos and the subject matter, the book just didn't hold my interest. Perhaps those of us who are less than 100% certified orcaphiles can take only so many shots of whales broaching, or fuzzy underwater snaps of orca body parts, or distant views of fiords with dorsal fins, or tail flukes in the foreground. Perhaps it is the frequent lapses into anthropomorphism that detract from an already unexciting narrative. Maybe there should be fewer small photographs, and more larger. And yet, again, ten-year-olds may like this book a lot more than I do. School libraries with a strong orca collection may wish to add this book, as may schools with an avid killer whale fan club. Others should first check out the wide variety of orca books on the market. Fred Leicester, Golden School District, Golden, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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