
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Produced and directed by Amyra Braha

School Services of Canada, 1991. VHS cassette, 15:35 min., $109.00 (includes guide). (Meet the Canadian Author series).
Distributed by School Services of Canada, 66 Portland St., Toronto, Ont. M5V 2M8

Grades 5 and up/ Ages 10 and up
Reviewed by Veronica McCudden.

Volume 19 Number 5
1991 October

This new addition to the "Meet the Canadian Author" series provides a vivid portrait of prolific, versatile fiction writer Martyn Godfrey, probably best known for his "Ms Teeny Wonderful" series. Godfrey's humour, enthusiasm and energy are obvious throughout the video. He wants to get kids hooked on reading by offering them a good read. He points out that in many of his novels girls play positive roles and at the same time boys can enjoy all the action.

This video will certainly appeal to his intended readers: ten-to thirteen-year-olds who like a good laugh and lots of action. This video is an excellent springboard for getting into Martyn Godfrey's books.

The video catches and holds the viewer's interest with its fast pace. There is good balance between action and dialogue with upbeat background music. It gives insight into Martyn Godfrey's writing process, showing how he starts with a general idea and then gets out and mixes with young people in their territory, at shopping malls, while they are playing video games or skateboarding. He listens to kids and sees their point of view. In the video he comes across as being in tune with today's young people and their interests and experiences.

As much as I found this to be a very good introduction to a popular author, I find it hard to understand the high cost of this type of video.

Veronica McCudden, St. Edmund School, Mississauga, Ont.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers

Young Canada Works