Produced and directed by Amyra Braha
School Services of Canada, 1991. VHS cassette, 16:00 min., $109.90 (includes guide). (Meet the Canadian Author series).
Volume 19 Number 5
This recent video on Alberta writer Marilyn Halvorson really does live up to the series title — "Meet the Author." In 16 minutes you get a sense that you have actually "met" Marilyn Halvorson as you see her on her ranch in southwestern Alberta, living and speaking about a life-style which she so obviously enjoys. As you see her in her living/working environment you understand what motivated her to choose writing as a profession and how her background influences her writing. You also appreciate why most of the characters she writes about love animals, ride horses and live on ranches. The video is filmed in a very engaging manner and the visuals depicting her life on the ranch are interesting enough to keep the viewer's interest during the narration and interviews. The material is very well organized. Voice-over narration and on-camera interviews are nicely balanced to keep the video at a lively pace. The music in the background serves to establish the ranch setting. The excerpt from the movie Cowboys Don't Cry, based on Halvorson's first novel, also adds to the excitement of the video by showing how her writing has been successfully translated into another medium, thereby reaching a much wider audience. Technical aspects of the production are very good. If you are kicking for an excellent video (at an attractive price) for introducing students to writing, or for motivating them to continue writing, consider Meet the Author: Marilyn Halvorson. Recommended. Selwyn Jacob, Edmonton, Alta. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works