Health Services and Promotion Branch, Health and Welfare Canada
Health Services and Promotion Branch, Health and Welfare Canada
AIDS Education and Awareness Program, Canadian Public Health Association
All distributed by AIDS Education and Awareness Program, CPHA, 400-1565 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K1Z 8R1.
Reviewed by Ruth Bainbridge.
Volume 20 Number 2
Information about AIDS Education and Prevention in Ethnocultural Communities serves as a reminder to AIDS educators that particular communities or groups should not be singled out and discriminated against or blamed for AIDS. It contains statistics about Canadian immigrants, AIDS and HIV infection in Canada, and the global picture. It outlines some barriers to effective AIDS prevention and education, and identifies some factors that facilitate prevention. The fact that Canada is a multicultural society and that different groups require culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate materials is stressed. This information will be helpful to AIDS educators. Aboriginal AIDS Resource Directory lists resources available from native AIDS programs in British Columbia, Ontario, Yukon Territory and U.S.A. Mailing addresses and phone numbers of the various offices are provided. Very scant information regarding these resources is documented, so this publication has limited usefulness. A Resource Manual for AIDS Educators is written to assist "experienced public health workers" to explore their own feelings, attitudes and beliefs about HIV and AIDS and to educate others about AIDS and sexuality. Part 1 introduces the manual and states its purpose and its link with the AIDS Clearinghouse. Part 2 makes up the major part of the manual and contains fifteen lessons. Each lesson clearly identifies the purpose, suggested preparation on the part of the educator, time allotment, materials and resources available, and lesson format. Content includes information on HIV and AIDS, safe sex, confidentiality, sexuality and values clarification. Part 3 summarizes the needs assessment and surveys carried out in Canada regarding AIDS awareness. The authors clearly state that this manual is not for beginners in AIDS education and is to be used in combination with other resources, namely those available from the National AIDS Clearinghouse, which loans posters, pamphlets, books and videos. There is a table of contents at the front of the manual and each section and lesson contains a detailed list of suggested resources. This manual is suitable for AIDS educators of adolescent and/or adult audiences. Ruth Bainbridge, Humber College, Etobicoke, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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