Sheila McGraw
Reviewed by Joanne Robertson
Volume 20 Number 2
Following on the heels of her successful Papier-Mache Today, Sheila McGraw has presented us with another book of papier-mâch é projects. All the projects in Papier-Mache for Kids are easy enough for a child to construct. Papier-Mache for Kids follows the same well-organized format as her previous book. Colour photographs accompany each of the numbered instructions. Each project lists the materials that are needed and has a box that gives the basics of papier mâch é. A table of contents is provided. Eight basic projects (vases, jewellery, masks, spiders, pigs, snakes, cats and monsters) are described. These can be elaborated on in a myriad of ways, depending on the finishing technique you choose. Various finishing techniques are described in the last section of the book. All needed recipes are provided. If you are looking for a papier mâché project to do with youngsters, Papier-Mache for Kids is the book for you. The projects are simple enough for a child to construct, but so delightful as to become cherished curios.
Joanne Robertson, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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