Karen and Neil Dawe
Karen and Neil Dawe
Reviewed by Jennifer Johnson
Volume 20 Number 3
With the publication of The Pond Book:, Somerville I louse has added a fourth title to their series of nature discovery books. The Hug Book appeared in 1987, The Bird Book and The Beach Book in 1988, and, most recently, The Pond Book in 1990. Only the latter titles are the subject of this review, however. In brief, each of the sets has a similar format. This includes a book measuring 13 cm x 11 cm, which fits into a bottle, a bird feeder or a pail, depending on the theme of the set. These containers limit the purchase of the sets to individuals for personal use, unless classroom teachers or library staff have budgets which extend to include resource materials. The pails for the Beach/Pond sets have handles, a sieve lop and a dear plastic base. From my own summer experiences 1 can recommend the strength and durability of their design. Although the plastic docs gel scratched from contact with sand and grit, the unit withstands heavy use by young frog catchers and beachcombers. Both The Beach Book and The Pond Book include a chatty invitation to explore and enjoy fresh and saltwater environments. Cautionary notes regarding safety tips and observation techniques are stated dearly and firmly at the outset. The text then proceeds to discuss these special places using a field guide format. Both books are detailed and include not only the description of plants and animals but also a series of pond/beach projects to encourage active learning about these ecosystems. All of the four books in the series are illustrated by Joe Weissmann, He combines appealing human naturalists (wearing the requisite life jackets) with accurate drawings of his subject matter. The pages are effectively designed with colour borders and an abundance of illustrative material. Recommended. Jennifer Johnson, Ottawa, Ont.
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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