Ernie Coombs and Shelley Tanaka
Ernie Coombs and Shelley Tanaka
Reviewed by Joanne Robertson
Volume 20 Number 3
Mr. Dressup's Things to Make and Do and Mr. Dressup's 50 More Things to Make and Do are revised editions of books originally published in 1982 and l984. Both books have a table of contents with each project listed. Mr. Dressup's Things to Make and Do is organized in the following sections: paper, paint and day; toys and things; puppets, dolls and dressing up; in the kitchen; and making music. The projects in Mr. Dressup's 50 Mare Things to Make and Do (subtitled Year-Round Activities far Young Children) are presented as things to make and do in the autumn, in the winter, in the spring, and in the summer. Most projects are simple enough for a young child to do with a minimum of adult help. The projects are many and varied. There are over fifty projects in each book. Instructions are included for crayon rubbings, toilet roll puppets, a salt garden, a leaf mural, totem poles, ail indoor snowman - to name but a few. All projects include a list of required materials. Black-and-white line drawings illustrate many of the pages. Directions are clearly written and easy to follow. Suggestions for extending or varying a project are often given. If you are looking for a book of things to make and do with young children, these two books will more than fill the bill. Joanne Robertson, Winnipeg, Man.
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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