Connie Colker Steiner.
Volume 20, Number 3
"New ears?" Paul discovers his ears in this simple but concept - packed story aimed at the pre-school or kindergarten crowd. A "grown up" haircut rids him of his longer baby locks and uncovers his ears. He had taken their existence for granted, indeed had not thought much about them at all, but now they "stick out" and make him look "strange," he thinks. The family gives him a hard time for wearing his hat in the house, and it is finally his dad who comes to the rescue. He focuses Paul's attention on ears: animal ears, shapes and uses of ears. Paul ponders, and finally accepts and ultimately flaunts his ears, introducing them to his world. This is a delightful story of a child dealing with self-consciousness, personal differences, and acceptance of self as a unique entity. In today's world where we try to instil appreciation of cultural and social differences and human rights, the book could prove quite useful as a discussion starter on such subjects with younger children, focusing as it does on simple personal differences and feelings. The basic wording and simply drawn and coloured pictures will delight a young audience. Highly recommended.
Joan Hewer, J.D. Hogarth Public School, Fergus, Ontario. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works