Morgan, Nicola
Reviewed by Jane Robinson
Volume 20 Number 3
An eccentric Aunt Floydie and her three best friends, the mailman, the countess and the Mayor, are wonderfully depicted in this humorous story. English idioms are liberally sprinkled throughout earth page of this children's book to tell the tale of Aunt Floydie's birthday party. The large and colourful illustrations match the party of the story. Interesting phrases such as "until the cows come home" and "full of beans" help to create the atmosphere. The unusually written story is equally matched by the bright bold and silly pictures. Young children will enjoy this story because of its silly content and older children will appreciate the humour provided by the idioms. This unique book would stir the imagination of any child and I would recommend it as a good read-aloud story.
Jane Robinson, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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