Education Services, Art Gallery of Ontario
Reviewed by J.E. Simpson
Volume 20 Number 3
Sculpture is perhaps the most neglected area in the art curriculum. Part of the reason is the scarcity of readily available material on the subject. Consequently, the staff of the Education Services Division, Art Gallery of Ontario, are to be congratulated for producing this slide kit. This is a straightforward teaching guide, handsomely presented in a sturdy vinyl ring-binder. Twenty sharp slides representing the work of fifteen of the leading sculptors of the past century (all but one from the collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario) prompt the biographies, questions and activities that form the text. The text is informative, if somewhat bland. Particularly useful is the well-prepared glossary. The questions that conclude each section are intended to spark classroom discussion, in common with most textbooks and guides of this sort, but they often presuppose knowledge that just isn't there. The suggested studio activities are, in the main, practical and thoughtfully presented, although there are occasional signs that the authors are not too familiar with the working conditions that obtain in the average art room. The kit is a bargain for its slides alone. If I have any reservations about it, it is that the selection of works is so predictable: one would have liked to have seen some native folk art, perhaps some installation art. Maybe someone else will fill in such blanks. J.E. Simpson, Edmonton, Alta.
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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