
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Produced by Pacific Rim Media Inc. for Butchart Gardens Ltd., 1991. VHS cassette, 22:00 min., $29.95
Distributed by New Vision Media, 150-12140 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, B.C. V7A 4V5

Grades 8 and up/Ages 13 and up

Reviewed by Christine Jacobs

Volume 20 Number 3
1992 May

This is a tourist video of the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C. It presents the history of the gardens (this includes some interesting archival footage) and an over­view of the gardens in its present state. Although the beauty of the gardens makes this appealing to the eye, the video moves very slowly, and the information presented does not justify the length. The narrator's voice is that of an older woman and is very pleasing. However, the device of having the garden narrate her own life in the first person feels very artificial.

This video is suitable for souvenir purposes, and might well interest horticul­tural groups despite the lack of specific botanical details. I would not recommend it for children's or young adult collections because of its slow pace and relatively low informational content.

Christine Jacobs, Montreal, Que.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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