Edited by Jane Gaskell and Arlene McLaren
Reviewed by Catherine Cox
Volume 20 Number 3
This second edition of Women and Education: A Canadian Perspective is not a reissue of the first edition but a re-constituted collection of articles with the inclusion of more multicultural material and an expanded section on curriculum. The twenty-two contributors are women and men, university professors and graduate students, and practitioners in education, history and sociology. The topics they address have been divided by the editors into these categories: "Women as Mothers, Women as Teachers," "Unequal Access to Knowledge," "The Nature of Curriculum: Whose Knowledge," and "Beyond Schooling: Adult Education and Training." This collection of feminist scholarship in education will be an important addition to university libraries and faculty of education required reading lists. Recommended. Catherine Cox, Moncton High School, Moncton,N.B.
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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