Aborigional Books
A Selected Bibliography of Recommended Titles
Current professional reading, picture-books and junior fiction by both native and non-native writers. A Large number of the materials listed in this bibliography have been written and illustrated by Native Canadians. A few particularly notable books published in the United States have been included; in many cases, the boundaries of Native societies do not fall within the Canadian border. The list is broken down into subject areas for easy access to specific materials. PROFESSIONAL READING As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows: A Reader in Canadian Native Studies. Edited by Ian A.L. Getty and Antoine S. Lussier. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press 1983. Bienvenue, Rita M. and Jay E. Goldstein. Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations in Canada. 2nd ed. Toronto: Butterworths, 1985. Breton, Raymond. Cultural Boundaries and the Cohesion of Canada. Montréal: The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1980. Daniels, Harry W., ed. The Forgotten People: Metis and Non-status Indian Land Claims. Ottawa: Native Council of Canada, 1979. Driedger, Leo, ed. The Canadian Ethnic Mosaic: A Quest for ldentity. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978. Elliott, Jean Leonard, ed. Two Nations, Many Cultures: Ethnic Groups in Canada. 2nd ed. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1983. Frideres, James S. Native Peoples in Canada: Contemporary Conflicts. 3rd ed. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1988. Friesen, John W. Schools with a Purpose. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1983. Friesen, John W. When Cultures Clash: Case Studies in Multiculturalism. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1985. Gidmark,David. Birchbark Canoe: The Story of an Apprenticeship with the Indians. Burnstown, Ont: General Store Publishing House, 1989. Hauck, Philomena and Kathleen Mary. Famous Indian Leaders. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1989. Hunter, Robert and Robert Calihoo. Occupied Canada: A Young White Man Discovers His Unsuspected Past. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1991.
Indian Education in Canada. Volume 1: The Legacy. Edited by Jean Barman, et al. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986. Indian Education in Canada. Volume 2: The Challenge. Edited by Jean Barman, et al. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1987. Johnston, Basil H. Indian School Days. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988. Liptak, Karen. North American Indian Sign Language. New York, Toronto: Franklin Watts, 1990. Lithman, Yngve Georg. The Community Apart: A Case Study of a Canadian Reserve Community. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1984. Logie, Patricia Richardson. Chronicles of Pride: A Journey of Discovery. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1990. Lowes, Warren. Indian Giver: A Legacy of North American Native Peoples. Penticton: Theytus, 1986. Lussier, Antoine S. Aspects of Canadian Metis History. Ottawa: Indian and Northern Affairs, 1985. Mallea, John R. and Jonathan C. Young. Cultural Diversity and Canadian Education. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, l984. McMillan, Alan D. Native Peoples and Cultures of Canada. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1988. Monkman, Leslie. A Native Heritage: Images of the Indian in English Canadian Literature. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Morse, Bradford W. Aboriginal Peoples and the Law: Indian, Metis and Inuit Rights in Canada. Rev. 1st ed. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1989. The Native in Literature. Edited by Thomas King, Cheryl Calver and Helen Hoy. Oakdale, Ont.: ECW Press, 1987. Native Rights in Canada. Edited by Peter A. Cumming and Neil H. Mickenberg. 2nd ed. Toronto: General Publishing, 1972. Plouffe, Vivianne and Kim Kissel. The Winds of Change: Indian Government. Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1988. Purich,Donald. The Metis. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1988. Purich, Donald. Our Land: Native Rights in Canada. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 1986. Recent Developments in Native Education: A CEA Report. Toronto: Canadian Education Association, 1984. Sawchuk, Joe. The Metis of Manitoba: Reformulation of an Ethnic Identity. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates, 1978. Songs for the People: Teachings on the Natural Way: Poems and Essays of Arthur Solomon. Edited by Michael Posluns. Toronto: NC Press, 1990. Teaching the Indian Child: A Bilingual/ Multicultural Approach. Edited by Dr. Jon Reyhner. 2nd ed. Billings, Mt.: Eastern Montana College, 1988. Trigger, Bruce G. Natives and Newcomers: Canada's "Heroic Age" Age" Reconsidered. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1985. Tyman,James. Inside Out: An Autobiography by a Native Canadian. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1990. Williams,Lorna. Sima7: Come Join Me. Illustrated by Mary Longman. Vancouver: Pacific Educational Press, 1991. York, Geoffrey. The Dispossessed: Life and Death in Native Canada. Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1989. York, Geoffrey. People of the Pines. New York: Little, Brown & Company, 1991. BIAS IN LEARNING MATERIALS Books Without Bias: Through Indian Eyes. Edited by Beverly Slapin and Doris Seale. Berkeley, Calif.: Oyate, 1988. Hirschfelder, Arlene B. American Indian Stereotyping in the World of Children: A Reader and a Bibliography. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1982. Scott, Marilyn. Native Awareness: Workshop Leaders Guide. Calgary: Access Network, 1989. The Shocking Truth About Indians in Textbooks. Winnipeg: Manitoba Indian Brotherhood, 1974. LITERATURE Bear, Glecia. Wanisinwak Iskwesisak: Awasisasinahakanis = Two Little Girls Lost in the Bush: A Cree Story for Children. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1991. Crow, Allan. The Crying Christmas Tree. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1989. Dewdey, Selwyn. The Hungry Time. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 1980. Evans, Agusta. The Big Tree and the Little Tree. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1986. Gale, Donald. Sooshewan: Child of the Boethuk. St. John's: Breakwater Books, 1988. Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore. Bird Talk. Toronto: Sister Vision/Women's Press, 1991. Loewen, Iris. My Mom Is So Unusual. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1986. Munsch, Robert and Michael Kusugak. A Promise is a Promise. Toronto: Annick Press, 1988. Owens, Mary Beth. A Caribou Alphabet. Scarborough: Firefly Books, 1988. Sanderson, Esther. Two Pairs of Shoes. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1990. Weber-Pillwax, Cora. Billy's World. Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1989. Wheeler, Bernelda. A Friend Called "Chum". Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1984. Wheeler, Bernelda. I Can't Have Bannock But the Beaver Has a Dam. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1984. Wheeler, Bernelda. Where Did You Get Your Moccasins? Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1986. Zola, Meguido, and Anjela Dereume. Nobody. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1983. Folk-tales Ahenakew, Freda. How the Birch Tree Got Its Stripes. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1988. Ahenakew, Freda. How the Mouse Got Brown Teeth: A Cree Story for Children. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1988. Beck, Mary Giraudo. Shamans and Kushtakas: North Coast Tales of the Supernatural. Bothwell, Wash.: Alaska Northwest Books, 1991. Cameron, Anne. How the Loon Lost Her Voice. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Publication, 1985. Cleaver, Elizabeth. The Enchanted Caribou. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1985. Giving: Ojibwa Stories and Legends from the Children of Curve Lake. Compiled and edited by Georgia Elston. Woodview, Ont.: Homestead Studios, 1985. Goble, Paul. The Great Race of the Birds and Animals. New York: Bradbury Press, 1985. Goble, Paul. Buffalo Woman. New York: Bradbury Press, 1984 Goble, Paul. Iktomi and the Boulder: A Plains Indian Story. New York: Orchard Books, 1988. Goble, Paul. Dream Wolf. New York: Bradbury Press, 1990 How Turtle Set the Animals Free: An Okanagan Legend. Penticton: Theytus Books, 1984. How Names Were Given: An Okanagan Legend. Penticton: Theytus Books, 1984. Johnston, Basil H. By Canoe and Moccasin: Some Native Place Names of the Great Lakes. Lakefield, Ont.: Waapoone Publishing, 1986. McLellan, Joseph. The Birth of Nanabosho. Winnipeg: Pemmican 1989. More Tales from the Igloo. As told by Agnes Nanogak. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1986. Norman, Howard. Who-Paddled-Backward-With-Trout. Art by Ed Young. Toronto: Little, Brown & Company, 1987. Norman, Howard. How Glooskap Outwits the Ice Giants. Toronto: Little, Brown & Company, 1989. Putt, Neal. Place Where the Spirit Lives: Stories from the Archaelogy and History of Manitoba. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1991. Scribe, Murdo. Murdo's Story: A Legend from Northern Manitoba. Illustrated by Terry Gallagher. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1985. (Also available in Cree and Ojibwe). Tales from the Wigwam. Circle Program. Markham, Ont.: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1989. Taylor, C.J. How Two-Feather Was Saved from Loneliness: An Abenaki Legend. Montréal: Tundra Books, 1990. Tyendinaga Tales. Collected by Rona Rustige. Kingston: McGillQueen's University Press, 1988. Fiction Achimoona. Introduction by Maria Campbell. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1985. Andrews, Jan. Very Last First Time. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1985. Culleton, Beatrice. April Raintree. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1984. Culleton, Beatrice. Spirit of the White Bison. Illustrated by Robert Kakaygeesich Jr. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1985. Kleitsch, Christel, and Paul Stephens. Dancing Feathers. Illustrated by Don Ense. Toronto: Annick Press, 1985. Kleitsch, Christel and Paul Stephens. A Time to be Brave. Toronto: Annick Press, 1985. Palud-Pelletier, Noelie. Louis, Son of the Prairies. Winnipeg: Pemmican, 1990. Diane Dwarka is a library technician with the Instructional Resources Branch, Manitoba Education and Training, with responsibility for the Multiculture Educational Resource Collection. She also gives workshops on materials housed in the collection. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Association for Multicultural Education, and has served as a member of the Coalition for Human Equality in Manitoba. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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