
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Produced by John L. Carey
Conservation Foundation of the Hamilton Region and Hamilton Region Conservation Authority, 1991. VHS cassette, 16:00 min., $395.00. Distributed by Visual Education Centre, 41 Horner Ave., Unit 3, Toronto, Ont. M8Z 4X4.

Grades 4 to 8/Ages 9 to 13

Reviewed by Wendy Zwaal

Volume 20 Number 4
1992 September

We are all a part of nature, and we should share and enjoy it, not try to tame or develop it. Only twenty per cent of our wetlands remain, and action needs to be taken now to preserve them. This is the message from the Conservation Foundation of the Hamilton Region and the Hamilton Region Conservation Authority in their video It's Now or Never.

The video focuses on the Spencer Creek watershed near Hamilton, Ontario. The watershed, which includes fields, woodlots and swamps, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal life. All life in the watershed is interdependent, and an explanation of the watershed's ecosystems makes up a majority of the video.

The video aptly demonstrates the beauty and diversity of life in wetlands. The visuals are stunning. The soundtrack employs natural sounds from the wetlands, but is uneven in quality and there are several gaps.

It's Now or Never, however, fails to catch interest. The pace of the video is slow, and at times it lacks continuity. It is also difficult to determine an intended audience, as the difficulty of the vocabulary and concepts is inconsistent with their presentation. Quite advanced vocabulary and concepts are used (e.g., primordial sea), suggesting an older audience, but the pacing and presentation suggest a younger emphasis. The high price of the video further limits its purchase.

Not recommended.

Wendy Zwaal is a children's librarian at Newmarket Public Library in Newmarket, Ontario.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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