Produced by John L. Carey
Reviewed by C.L. Ross
Volume 20 Number 4
This is an overview of the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital located in Burlington, Ontario. It is a general hospital and we are taken on a visual tour of the facility. The tour is all-encompassing, taking us from the laundry to the kitchen, the laboratories and the operating rooms. As well, we are treated to a look at the out-patient clinics and the various activities carried out there. I was quite intrigued with the section on the outpatient clinics, as this hospital is doing some excellent community liaison work in this area. Given the length of the video, the producers do a reasonably good job of showing us how a major hospital in Canada operates. They cover all the departments and give us at least an idea of the work being done in each of them. However, the visual quality of the video left a lot to be desired and the audio portion was only mediocre. I found the narration particularly annoying. It was condescending and didactic. I think that the kids in the intended viewing audience would be more amused than informed. A warning if you choose to purchase this video: there is an interesting but particularly graphic sequence showing the birth of a baby by Caesarean section. The age group for which the film is intended might find this section a little off-putting. I would, however, suggest that you not bother to spend budget dollars on this presentation. It would have served its intended purpose better if the producers had tried to cover fewer departments and done them in greater depth.
C.L. Ross is a librarian with the Okanagan Regional Library in Kelowna, British Columbia. Native Peoples
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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