Toronto, Peace Education Resource Centre, 1992. 40pp, paper, $4.00 each (3 copies for $10.00).
Volume 20 Number 5
The Peace Eduation Resource Centre, located in downtown Toronto, is a special reference collection of books, periodicals and clipping files on peace, peace education, environmental issues, children's rights and the value systems of aboriginal peoples. Two annotated bibliographies are available: Reading for a Peaceful Planet (Peace Education Resource Centre, 1989) (for secondary school teachers and students) and Children and Peacekeeping (Peace Education Resource Centre, 1991) (for pre-school to grade 8) at $4.00 per copy. Children and Peacekeeping contains over 120 references to a variety of materials, including books for adults and children, periodicals, audio-visual catalogues, multimedia kits, games and displays, as well as a selective list of children's bookstores and organizations from whom further assistance may be forthcoming. The citations are arranged under four subject headings: "Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution," "Children and Their Environment," "Children and Their World," and "Children and War." A fifth section includes reference works and audio-visual catalogues, which could have been entered in the other subject areas because their content doesn't really appear to need a separate listing. Each category contains several children's books. Under "Sources and Resources" there are table games, co-operative activities, specialized bookstores, ideas for professional development days and parent meetings, Canadian global education programs arranged by province, and the addresses and telephone numbers of all suppliers. The term "peace" as used by Peace Education Resource Centre is broadened to signify not just the opposite of "war" but cooperative, non-competitive relationships at all levels. It also covers a harmonious relationship with non-human life and resources on our planet. The works in this catalogue are, of course, highly idealistic and thus, in a way, they are typical of a "cause" more than an "issue." Nevertheless, they are timely (most items date from the late 1980s), topical and valuable. A little professional editing would have tidied up the contents page and maybe provided an index but this is a minor criticism. Elementary school teachers and librarians will find this earnest, well-intentioned booklet very useful, as will anyone who works with children and who cherishes a non-violent approach to problem solving. Maryleah Otto is a retired children's librarian now doing part-time adult reference service at St. Thomas Public Library in St. Thomas, Ontario. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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