Robertson, Heather
Reviewed by Louise Dick
Volume 20 Number 5
The author of Willie: A Romance (J. Lorimer, 1983) and More than a Rose (McClelland & Stewart, 1991) presents solid information with a light touch. On the Hill is fun, informative and not intended to be definitive. Entries in the alphabetical guide vary from routine (Governor General) to obscure (Oh! Oh!) and pure fun (Zzzzzzzz). Cross-references are numerous and greatly enhance both usefulness and interest. In addition to basics of personnel and procedure, Robertson emphasizes historical origins and physical setting (architecture, gargoyles, wrought iron). These elements, with many black-and white photographs (archival or modern sources indicated), make On the Hill a worthwhile addition to high school and public libraries. The sturdy paperback with attractive cover could introduce many readers to our Parliament. A class visiting Ottawa might compile its own list of added entries. The preface suggests a selection of sources with more extensive treatment, both artistic and political.
Louise Dick is a former teacher-librarian in Toronto, Ontario
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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