Love, Ann and Jane Drake for World
Wildlife Fund Canada
Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook
Volume 20 Number 5
Each set of facing pages of Take Action presents a different topic. The first part of the book deals with why wildlife matters. Then it discusses endangered species and endangered spaces, and the book ends with ideas on how to take action. Practical ideas are given and various programs that some schools have tried are presented. The editors have made good use of black-and-white illustrations to catch the reader's attention and add some humour to the topic. Readers are constantly challenged to think up some more ideas and to share them with others. Teachers who wish to help their students get started on conservation projects would appreciate the ideas mentioned within. The book has a table of contents, glossary and index, which make it a useful reference tool. A number of case studies from across Canada add interest. One cannot help but feel enthusiastic about the good works being carried on by the World Wildlife Fund. An excellent source-book for ideas on preservation of our natural environment. Definitely recommended for elementary and junior high libraries. Hugh A. Cook is a former elementary school librarian in Maple, Ontario
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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