Sadler, Judy
Volume 21 Number 1
This is another Kids Can Easy Crafts book, this one describing print-making for children from pre-schoolers to ten-year-olds. The book will be sure to meet an enthusiastic reception; every page is coloured and bordered by a sample of the type of print described on that page. The large print directions are accompanied by lively, easily understood diagrams. A great variety of techniques is included, from hand prints to eraser prints, from printing on paper to printing on clothing. At the retail price of $5.95, this book is excellent value for busy mothers, creative teachers, and children who can read the instructions for themselves.
Joan Payzant is a retired teacher-librarian in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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