Produced by Alan Edmonds; directed by Therese Beaupre
Counterparts Productions, 1990. VHS cassette, 12:00 min., $250.00. Distributed by Visual Education Centre, 75 Horner Ave., Etobicoke, Ont. M8Z 4X5.
Volume 21 Number 1
This 15-minute segment of the nationally viewed television program "Second Chance," starring Joel Walker, shows the story of the blue box. First invented and used in Kitchener, Ontario, the blue box is now a visible and international symbol of the attempt to change our disposal habits. The blue box is a winner of the prestigious UN Leadership Award. The film endeavours to show the important of recycling and sorting of waste as well as the necessary change in both habits and disposal laws. While this is a well-made film, the cost is high and probably beyond the reach of most library budgets. Not recommended.
Michele F. Kallio is a former teacher and librarian living in Black's Harbour, New Brunswick |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works