Produced by Don Duchene;
Reviewed by Christine Jacobs
Volume 22 Number 1
Costa Rica has the highest deforestation rate in the western hemisphere, but, for its size, it has one of the largest parks systems in the world. This production looks at the initiatives Costa Ricans have taken to slow the deforestation, trying to balance their economic needs with their desire to save their forests. The video emphasizes that there are no easy answers and no one solution. There is special emphasis on the role of children in the saving of Costa Rican forests, the need to sensitize young people to their natural environment and the joy they find in understanding and caring for their forests. The tone of the narration is rather didactic, but, aside from this quibble, I would recommend the video for children aged thirteen and up. Although the video is not unsuitable for younger children, the economic reasoning and the general style of the discussion would probably not hold their attention.
Christine Jacobs (Montreal, Que.) is a freelance indexer who for the past eight years has indexed films and videos for Film/Video Canadiana
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